path: root/crt0.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crt0.asm')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crt0.asm b/crt0.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..567ab47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crt0.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#include <zeta.h>
+ .module crt0
+ .globl _main
+ .area _HEADER (ABS)
+ ;; Reset vector
+ .org 0x0000
+ ld SP, #0x00
+ xor A
+ ld I, A
+ jp init
+ ;; ISR table
+ .org 0x0010
+ .dw #0
+ .dw #0
+ .dw #0
+ .globl _ctc3_isr_ptr
+ .dw #_ctc3_isr
+ .globl _rx_isr_ptr
+ .dw #_rx_isr
+ ;; Init code
+ xor A
+ ;; Enable extended memory
+ out (WIN_0_CTRL), A
+ ld A, #0b00100000
+ out (WIN_1_CTRL), A
+ ld A, #0b01000000
+ out (WIN_2_CTRL), A
+ ld A, #0b01100000
+ out (WIN_3_CTRL), A
+ out (SREG_CTRL), A
+ call gsinit
+ call _main
+ halt
+ jr 1$
+ ;; Ordering of segments for the linker.
+ .area _HOME
+ .area _CODE
+ .area _GSINIT
+ .area _GSFINAL
+ .area _DATA
+ .area _BSEG
+ .area _BSS
+ .area _HEAP
+ .area _CODE
+ .area _GSINIT
+ ;; Default-initialized global variables.
+ ld bc, #l__DATA
+ ld a, b
+ or a, c
+ jr Z, zeroed_data
+ ld hl, #s__DATA
+ ld (hl), #0x00
+ dec bc
+ ld a, b
+ or a, c
+ jr Z, zeroed_data
+ ld e, l
+ ld d, h
+ inc de
+ ldir
+ ;; Explicitly initialized global variables.
+ ld bc, #l__INITIALIZER
+ ld a, b
+ or a, c
+ jr Z, gsinit_next
+ ld de, #s__INITIALIZED
+ ld hl, #s__INITIALIZER
+ ldir
+ .area _GSFINAL
+ ret