schroedinger[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola8 weeks
thomaslabs-siteSource code of my websiteThomas Albers Raviola9 months
cl-openclOpenCL bindings for Common LispThomas Albers Raviola9 months
guix-thomaslabsPersonal guix channelThomas Albers Raviola6 months
autotagFill vorbis files with metadata from musicbrainzThomas Albers Raviola9 months
z80-sandboxCollection of small test programs for my Z80 based computerThomas Albers Raviola9 months
zbootloaderBootloader for the zeta computerThomas Albers Raviola9 months
zupUpload utility for zbootloaderThomas Albers Raviola9 months
routesRouting library for handling SCGI requestsThomas Albers Raviola3 days
nbodyN-Body simulation written in Common LispThomas Albers Raviola5 months
game-of-lifeSimple implementation of Conway's Game of Life written in Common LispThomas Albers Raviola5 months
chainsLisp inspired programming language for generation of markup textThomas Albers Raviola5 months
linsolverToy implementation of gaussian elimination with partial pivotingThomas Albers Raviola4 months
bondi-sachs[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola9 weeks