autotagFill vorbis files with metadata from musicbrainzThomas Albers Raviola14 months
bondi-sachs[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola7 months
chainsLisp inspired programming language for generation of markup textThomas Albers Raviola5 weeks
cl-openclOpenCL bindings for Common LispThomas Albers Raviola14 months
game-of-lifeSimple implementation of Conway's Game of Life written in Common LispThomas Albers Raviola11 months
guix-thomaslabsPersonal guix channelThomas Albers Raviola11 months
ihexConvert and combine ihex files into binary dataThomas Albers Raviola9 days
linsolverToy implementation of gaussian elimination with partial pivotingThomas Albers Raviola10 months
nbodyN-Body simulation written in Common LispThomas Albers Raviola11 months
scgi-routesRouting library for handling SCGI requestsThomas Albers Raviola5 months
schroedinger[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola7 months
thomaslabs-siteSource code of my websiteThomas Albers Raviola14 months
siteThomaslabs web siteThomas Albers Raviola3 months
z80-sandboxCollection of small test programs for my Z80 based computerThomas Albers Raviola14 months
zbootloaderBootloader for the zeta computerThomas Albers Raviola14 months
zupUpload utility for zbootloaderThomas Albers Raviola14 months
zeta: Southern Star Mk I (aka PipBoy)
southern-star-mk1/3d[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
southern-star-mk1/firmware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
southern-star-mk1/hardware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
zeta: Southern Star Mk II
southern-star-mk2/3d[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola4 months
southern-star-mk2/firmware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola5 weeks
southern-star-mk2/hardware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola4 months
zeta: Southern Star Mk III
southern-star-mk3/3d[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
southern-star-mk3/firmware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
southern-star-mk3/fpga[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola
southern-star-mk3/hardware[no description]Thomas Albers Raviola