AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-08-23Simplify .gitignoreHEADmasterThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Add pytest dependency to README.mdThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'Tim Suhling
2024-08-23Changed syntax highlighting for .rst code blocksTim Suhling
2024-08-23Specify language in markdown code blocksThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Update sphinx documentationThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Merge branch 'master' of remoteThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Write README.mdThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Remove umlaut in cli help dialogThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Added documentation to schrodinger_plot.rstTim Suhling
2024-08-23Add description to pyproject.tomlThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Add missing dependenciesThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Improve pylint score of test_infinite.pyThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Improve pylint score of test_graphic.pyThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Remove redundant fileThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Change 'show' default value in schrodinger_plotThomas Albers Raviola
2024-08-23Add test for harmonic and finite potentialsThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Add documentation for programsTim Suhling
2024-07-19Merge branch 'plot'Tim Suhling
2024-07-19Improve pylint score of schroedinger.pyThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Improved Pylint ScoreplotTim Suhling
2024-07-19Improve pylint scoreThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Merge branch 'solve'Thomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Merge branch 'plot'Tim Suhling
2024-07-19Add documentation for schroedinger/schrodinger_plot.pyTim Suhling
2024-07-19Add documentation to common librarysolveThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Add type hintingThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Add output-dir parameter to solverThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Merge branch 'master' into plotTim Suhling
2024-07-19Change float_ to float64Thomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Merge branch 'master' into plotTim Suhling
2024-07-19Merge branch 'plot'Tim Suhling
2024-07-19Merge branch 'solve'Tim Suhling
2024-07-19Add further testsThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-19Small improvement to plotTim Suhling
2024-07-19Add test for infinite potential wellThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Split library for handling config and interpolationThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Add solve_schroedingerThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12command line functionality for plotTim Suhling
2024-07-12Plot functionality for test dataTim Suhling
2024-07-12Add config classThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Set up build system and scriptsThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Add license fileThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Normalize line endingsThomas Albers Raviola
2024-07-12Set up documentationTim Suhling
2024-07-12Initial commitThomas Albers Raviola