path: root/src/opencl.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/opencl.lisp')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/opencl.lisp b/src/opencl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca95928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opencl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+(in-package #:ocl)
+(defmacro define-get-info ())
+(define-condition opencl-error ()
+ ((code :initarg :code
+ :reader opencl-error-code))
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (format stream "OPENCL-ERROR: ~A~%" (opencl-error-code condition)))))
+(defmacro check-error (error-code)
+ (alexandria:once-only (error-code)
+ `(unless (eq ,error-code :success)
+ (error 'opencl-error :code ,error-code))))
+;; TODO: Finish me
+(defun array-foreign-type (array)
+ "Returns the most appropiate foreign type to store ARRAY"
+ (case (array-element-type array)
+ (single-float :float)
+ (double-float :double)
+ (t nil)))
+(defun array-foreign-size (array)
+ "Returns the size in bytes required to store a foreign version of ARRAY"
+ (reduce #'* (array-dimensions array)
+ :initial-value (cffi:foreign-type-size (array-foreign-type array))))
+(defmacro check-error-arg (form)
+ (let ((value (gensym "VALUE"))
+ (error-code (gensym "ERROR-CODE"))
+ (c-error-code (gensym "C-ERROR-CODE")))
+ `(cffi:with-foreign-object (,c-error-code 'cl-error-code)
+ (let* ((,value (,@form ,c-error-code))
+ (,error-code (cffi:mem-ref ,c-error-code 'cl-error-code)))
+ (if (eq ,error-code :success)
+ ,value
+ (error 'opencl-error :code ,error-code))))))
+(defmacro with-foreign-arrays (bindings &body body)
+ (if (null bindings)
+ `(progn ,@body)
+ `(cffi:with-foreign-array ,(first bindings)
+ (with-foreign-arrays ,(rest bindings)
+ ,@body))))
+(defmacro with-foreign-sequence ((var lisp-sequence type &optional length) &body body)
+ "Like CFFI:WITH-FOREIGN-ARRAY but works also for lists"
+ (unless length (setf length (gensym "LENGTH")))
+ (alexandria:once-only (lisp-sequence type)
+ `(let ((,length (length ,lisp-sequence)))
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (,var ,type ,length)
+ (dotimes (i ,length)
+ (setf (cffi:mem-aref ,var ,type i) (elt ,lisp-sequence i)))
+ ,@body))))
+(defmacro with-foreign-sequences (bindings &body body)
+ (if bindings
+ `(with-foreign-sequence ,(first bindings)
+ (with-foreign-sequences ,(rest bindings)
+ ,@body))
+ `(progn ,@body)))
+(defun vector-type-p (type)
+ (and (consp type) (eq (car type) :pointer)))
+(defun string-type-p (type)
+ (eq type :string))
+(defmacro wrap-get-info-function (name low-level-name type-alist)
+ ""
+ ;; FIXME? This is a top level form, no call to GENSYM is needed, right?
+ `(defun ,name (object param-name)
+ (let ((type (assoc-value ,type-alist param-name))
+ (return-size nil)
+ (error-code nil)
+ (return-value nil))
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (c-return-size :size)
+ (setf error-code (,low-level-name object param-name 0 (cffi:null-pointer) c-return-size))
+ (check-error error-code)
+ (setf return-size (cffi:mem-ref c-return-size :size)))
+ (cond ((vector-type-p type)
+ (let ((count (/ return-size (cffi:foreign-type-size (second type)))))
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (c-value type count)
+ (setf error-code (,low-level-name object param-name return-size c-value (cffi:null-pointer)))
+ (setf return-value (loop :for i :below count :collect (cffi:mem-aref c-value type i))))))
+ ((string-type-p type)
+ (setf return-value
+ (cffi:with-foreign-pointer-as-string (c-string return-size)
+ (setf error-code (,low-level-name object param-name return-size c-string (cffi:null-pointer))))))
+ (t
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (c-value type)
+ (setf error-code (,low-level-name object param-name (cffi:foreign-type-size type)
+ c-value (cffi:null-pointer)))
+ (setf return-value (cffi:mem-ref c-value type)))))
+ (check-error error-code)
+ return-value)))
+(defmacro get-cl-objects (name (&rest args) low-level-name type)
+ (assert (every #'symbolp args) nil "ARGS must be a list of only symbols")
+ `(defun ,name (,@args)
+ (let (n)
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (cn 'cl-uint)
+ (check-error (,low-level-name ,@args 0 (cffi:null-pointer) cn))
+ (setf n (cffi:mem-ref cn 'cl-uint)))
+ (cffi:with-foreign-object (c-objects ,type n)
+ (check-error (,low-level-name ,@args n c-objects (cffi:null-pointer)))
+ (loop :for i :below n
+ :collect (cffi:mem-aref c-objects ,type i))))))