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authorThomas Albers Raviola <thomas@thomaslabs.org>2025-01-06 01:07:36 +0100
committerThomas Albers Raviola <thomas@thomaslabs.org>2025-01-06 01:07:36 +0100
commit13e6a0738c47608af15cfcbc88a7a451a1e53fd9 (patch)
parent5b518ad7205b3432d95ff2b3757e49914233d913 (diff)
Use stored lambda-list instead of lambda argumentsHEADmaster
5 files changed, 93 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/src/core.lisp b/src/core.lisp
index 87d9755..6fc2242 100644
--- a/src/core.lisp
+++ b/src/core.lisp
@@ -17,142 +17,88 @@
;; package. This allows the language to have keywords like lambda which
;; otherwise would be reserved words from the cl package
-(defmacro define-function (name (&rest args) &body body)
- (let ((siblings (gensym)))
- (setf name (intern (symbol-name name) *interpreter-package*))
- `(push (cons ',name
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment ,siblings ,@args)
- (declare (ignore ,siblings))
- ,@body)
- ',args
- (complement #'identity)
- nil
- :function))
- *default-environment*)))
-(defmacro define-function* (name (&rest args) (siblings group-predicate)
- &body body)
- `(acons ',name
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment ,siblings ,@args)
- ,@body)
- ',args
- ,group-predicate
- nil
- :function)
- *default-environment*))
-(defmacro define-special (name (&rest args) &body body)
- (setf name (intern (symbol-name name) *interpreter-package*))
- `(push (cons ',name
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings ,@args)
- ,@body)
- ',args
- (complement #'identity)
- nil
- :special))
- *default-environment*))
-(defmacro define-special* (name (&rest args) (siblings group-predicate)
- &body body)
+(defmacro define (name arguments
+ (environment &key specialp siblings group-predicate)
+ &body body)
(setf name (intern (symbol-name name) *interpreter-package*))
`(push (cons ',name
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment ,siblings ,@args)
- ,@body)
- ',args
- ,group-predicate
+ (make-closure #'(lambda (,environment ,siblings)
+ (declare (ignorable ,siblings))
+ (let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+ `(,x (get-var ,environment (find-symbol (symbol-name ',x) *interpreter-package*))))
+ arguments)
+ ,@body))
+ ',(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (symbol-name x) *interpreter-package*))
+ arguments)
+ ,(if group-predicate
+ group-predicate
+ '(complement #'identity))
- :special))
+ ,specialp))
-(define-special lambda (arglist body)
- (setf arglist (remove-if #'whitespace-text-p arglist))
- (assert (every #'object-symbol-p arglist))
- (setf arglist (mapcar #'object-value arglist))
- (let ((env environment))
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings &rest args)
- ;; Splice arguments into resulting link
- (flatten
- (eval-tree (append (pairlis arglist args)
- env
- environment)
- body)))
- arglist (complement #'identity) env :function)))
+(defmacro define-function (name arguments &body body)
+ (let ((environment (gensym)))
+ `(define ,name ,arguments (,environment) ,@body)))
-(define-special lambda* (arglist group-predicate body)
- (setf arglist (remove-if #'whitespace-text-p arglist))
- (assert (every #'object-symbol-p arglist))
- (setf arglist (mapcar #'object-value arglist))
+(defmacro define-special (name arguments &body body)
+ (let ((environment (gensym)))
+ `(define ,name ,arguments (,environment :specialp t) ,@body)))
- (cond ((and (listp group-predicate))
- ;; TODO: Check arglist of predicate
- (setf group-predicate (first (eval-tree environment group-predicate)))
- (assert (closurep group-predicate))
- (let ((function (closure-function group-predicate)))
- (setf group-predicate #'(lambda (object)
- (funcall function nil nil (list object))))))
- ((not (functionp group-predicate))
- (error "~A" group-predicate)))
- (let ((env environment))
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings &rest args)
- (eval-tree (append (pairlis arglist args)
- (list (cons (intern "SIBLINGS" *interpreter-package*)
- siblings))
- env
- environment)
- body))
- arglist group-predicate
- env :function)))
-(defun mapflatten (function list &rest more-lists)
- (flatten (apply #'mapcar function list more-lists)))
-(defun syntax-expand (table body)
- "Replace all instances inside BODY of symbols in the TABLE with their
-respectives values"
- (cond ((listp body)
- (mapflatten (curry #'syntax-expand table) body))
- ((object-symbol-p body)
- (if-let (entry (assoc (object-value body) table))
- (cdr entry)
- body))
- ((chainp body)
- (make-chain (mapcar (curry #'syntax-expand table) (chain-links body))))
- (t
- body)))
-;; Is this basically quasiquote?
-;; (define-special syntax (arglist body)
+(defmacro clambda ((environment lambda-list) &body body)
+ (let ((siblings (gensym)))
+ `(make-instance 'closure :function #'(lambda (,environment ,siblings)
+ (declare (ignorable ,siblings))
+ ,@body)
+ :lambda-list ,lambda-list
+ :groupp (complement #'identity)
+ :environment nil
+ :specialp nil)))
+(define lambda (lambda-list body)
+ (captured-environment :siblings siblings :specialp t)
+ (setf lambda-list (remove-if #'whitespace-text-p lambda-list))
+ (assert (every #'object-symbol-p lambda-list))
+ (setf lambda-list (mapcar #'object-value lambda-list))
+ (clambda (environment lambda-list)
+ ;; Splice arguments into resulting link
+ (flatten (eval-tree (append environment captured-environment) body))))
+;; (define-special lambda* (arglist group-predicate body)
;; (setf arglist (remove-if #'whitespace-text-p arglist))
;; (assert (every #'object-symbol-p arglist))
;; (setf arglist (mapcar #'object-value arglist))
-;; (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings &rest args)
-;; (declare (ignorable environment siblings))
-;; (syntax-expand (pairlis arglist args) body))
-;; arglist (complement #'identity) environment :syntax))
-;;; TODO: require single element list
-(define-special* define (name value) (siblings #'identity)
+;; (cond ((and (listp group-predicate))
+;; ;; TODO: Check arglist of predicate
+;; (setf group-predicate (first (eval-tree environment group-predicate)))
+;; (assert (closurep group-predicate))
+;; (let ((function (closure-function group-predicate)))
+;; (setf group-predicate #'(lambda (object)
+;; (funcall function nil nil (list object))))))
+;; ((not (functionp group-predicate))
+;; (error "~A" group-predicate)))
+;; (let ((env environment))
+;; (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings &rest args)
+;; (eval-tree (append (pairlis arglist args)
+;; (list (cons (intern "SIBLINGS" *interpreter-package*)
+;; siblings))
+;; env
+;; environment)
+;; body))
+;; arglist group-predicate
+;; env nil)))
+(define define (name value)
+ (environment :siblings siblings :group-predicate #'identity :specialp t)
(assert (object-symbol-p (first name)))
(setf name (object-value (first name)))
(setf value (first (eval-tree environment value)))
(eval-tree (acons name value environment)
-;;; TODO: Restrict chain link's length to avoid so many asserts
-(define-function gp (symbol)
- (assert (object-symbol-p (first symbol)) nil "a")
- (setf symbol (first symbol))
- (make-closure #'(lambda (environment siblings &rest args)
- (declare (ignorable environment siblings))
- (let ((object (caar args)))
- (not (and (chainp object)
- (let ((name (caar (chain-links object))))
- (and (object-symbol-p name)
- (eq (object-value name)
- (object-value symbol))))))))
- (list nil) (complement #'identity) nil :function))
-(define-special quote (object)
- object)
+;;; TODO: Macro for checking arguments types, eliminate whitespace and so on
+;;; TODO: Docstrings for functions
+;;; TODO: More advance lambda-lists (optional values, etc)
diff --git a/src/eval.lisp b/src/eval.lisp
index b2c399c..bc1d1c8 100644
--- a/src/eval.lisp
+++ b/src/eval.lisp
@@ -25,27 +25,29 @@
"Link is not callable: ~A" link)
(first link))
+(defun bind-arguments (environment lambda-list arguments specialp)
+ (unless specialp
+ (map-into arguments (curry #'eval-tree environment) arguments))
+ (append (mapcar #'cons lambda-list arguments)
+ environment))
(defun eval-chain (environment chain siblings)
"Evaluate CHAIN inside ENVIRONMENT and possibly consume SIBLINGS. Returns a
link with the evaluated body of the function under the ENVIRONMENT"
(destructuring-bind (head &rest arguments)
(chain-links chain)
(with-accessors ((function closure-function)
- (type closure-type)
+ (special closure-special-p)
+ (lambda-list closure-lambda-list)
(group-predicate closure-group-p))
;; Evaluate all elements of first link and get closure object
(link-closure (eval-tree environment head))
(multiple-value-bind (consumed-siblings rest)
(group-if group-predicate siblings)
- (apply function
- environment
- consumed-siblings
- (ecase type
- (:special
- arguments)
- (:function
- (mapcar (curry #'eval-tree environment) arguments))))
+ (funcall function
+ (bind-arguments environment lambda-list arguments special)
+ consumed-siblings)
(defun eval-tree (environment node)
diff --git a/src/parser.lisp b/src/parser.lisp
index 2d3c673..3615844 100644
--- a/src/parser.lisp
+++ b/src/parser.lisp
@@ -148,5 +148,5 @@ tokens."
:collect token :into tokens :and :do
(setf start-of-line (start-of-line-p token))
- :finally ;; (build-tree)
+ :finally
(return tokens)))
diff --git a/src/types.lisp b/src/types.lisp
index 4b24219..4e4633c 100644
--- a/src/types.lisp
+++ b/src/types.lisp
@@ -27,28 +27,29 @@
:initarg :function
:type function
:documentation "")
- (arg-list :reader closure-arg-list
- :initarg :arg-list
- :type list
+ (lambda-list :reader closure-lambda-list
+ :initarg :lambda-list
+ :type list
:documentation "")
(environment :reader closure-environment
:initarg :environment
:type list
:documentation "Environment captured by the closure")
- (type :reader closure-type
- :initarg :type
- :type keyword
- :documentation "")
+ (specialp :reader closure-special-p
+ :initarg :specialp
+ :type boolean
+ :documentation "")
(groupp :reader closure-group-p
:initarg :groupp
:type function
:documentation "")))
-(defun make-closure (function arg-list groupp &optional environment type)
- (make-instance 'closure :function function :arg-list arg-list
+(defun make-closure (function lambda-list groupp &optional environment specialp)
+ (make-instance 'closure :function function
+ :lambda-list lambda-list
:groupp groupp
:environment environment
- :type type))
+ :specialp specialp))
(defun closurep (object)
(typep object 'closure))
diff --git a/tests/test5.chn b/tests/test5.chn
index eb0b88b..d1176b1 100644
--- a/tests/test5.chn
+++ b/tests/test5.chn
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-%@define{@c}{@b @a @b}%
-@a{a @b{b}}