#+title: Chains #+author: Thomas Albers Raviola * About Library for creating interpreted general programming languages focused on text generation. * Syntax | Character | Description | |-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | % | | | \\ | | | { } | | | \[ \] | | | \setminus# | Raw function. All special characters in the arguments are taken literal | | @ | | | \$ | | ** Comments Inline comments start with a % sign and go up to and /including/ the newline character. Unwanted newline characters may thus be skipped by clever use of comments. * Evaluation Chains works by reading input and building a syntax tree representing the expresions inside the file. The difference with other programming languages is that the structure of this tree may be modified by the code running. The final resulting tree is then flattened into text and outputted. ** Chains; function calls A chain is evaluated by first taking the first link. This must consist of an object that evaluates to a function. Then the other links are evaluated by evaluating each of their elements. Finally, the function gets called by passing each of the following links as its arguments. Every function returns a chain with a single link containing the return value. A chain that is not a function call gets spliced in place. The result chain of a function gets spliced, effectively appending its contents to the surrounding link. Whitespace gets ignored inside the first link if no other text is present. Additionaly, as a bit of syntax sugar to make code more readable, if a symbol preceeds a chain, the chain is implicitely a prepended link with the symbol inside as its only element. Therefore, the following expressions are equivalent for calling a function ~func~ taking two arguments: 1. ~{@func}{...}{...}~ 2. ~{ @func }{}{}{}~ 3. ~@func{...}{...}~ A behaviour unique to functions in chains is the possibility to consume its siblings as arguments to the function being called, effectively changing the structure of the abstract syntax tree. Because this effect may be confusing when reading code, it is recomended to only use it for defining text elements. ** Other objects Text and all other builtin types are evaluated to themselves. However, note that no implicit convertion to text is made and that in the top-level only text objects may be present; any other type of object will signal an error. Use the ~@text~ function to cast objects into text. * Types ** Text ** Boolean ** Integers ** Floats ** Functions ** Empty line ** Symbols ** Chains * Builtin functions and special forms ** @define ** @lambda ** @lambda\* ** @quote ** @+, @-, @*, @/ Usual arithmetic operations ** @use Runs the code inside the provided file without inserting the generated text into the module's output. ** @include Runs the code inside the provided file inserting the resulting text in the position of the function call. ** @text ** @int ** @float