#+title: zup zup is a CLI program for reading and writing from and to memory addresses of a computer running zbootloader. While designed for my Z80 based computer, one should be able to be adapt it to other platforms * Design goals - Stable communication: The serial port of my Z80 computer is known to have some random bit flips. As such, my tools are designed with error correction. Right now Hamming-(7,4) codes are used for each byte plus a crc16 checksum at the end of each unit. - Speed: Error corrections were also needed to speed up communications without fear of errors. * Dependencies - [ ] (optional) GNU Readline * Features yet to be implemented - [ ] ping - [ ] info - [ ] io_read and io_write * Wishlist - [ ] read intel hex files * Ideas - [ ] use longjump in serial.c for error handling * Known bugs - [ ] write command can only handle up to ~8 byte sized packets