#+title:Table of Derivatives #+setupfile: ../../math_options.org * Disclaimer This site as of now just a technology demonstration and its claims should not be taken as true (even though I myself am pretty confident they are) * General Properties of the Derivative Let $f$ and $g$ be real valued functions and $c$ some real constant: \begin{align*} \dcoff{(cf)} &= c\sdcoff{f}\\ \dcoff{(f \pm g)} &= \sdcoff{f} \pm \sdcoff{g}\\ \dcoff{(fg)} &= \sdcoff{f}g + f\sdcoff{g}\\ \dcoff{\left(\frac{f}{g}\right)} &= \frac{\sdcoff{f}g - f\sdcoff{g}}{g^2} \end{align*} * Trigonometric Funtions \begin{align*} \ddx{\sin(x)} &= \cos(x)\\ \ddx{\cos(x)} &= -\sin(x)\\ \ddx{\tan(x)} &= \sec^2(x)\\ \ddx{\sec(x)} &= \sec(x)\tan(x)\\ \ddx{\csc(x)} &= \csc(x)\cot(x)\\ \ddx{\csc(x)} &= -\csc^2(x) \end{align*}