#+TITLE: Übungsblatt 5 - Aufgabe 3 #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+SETUPFILE: ../options.org [[https://thomaslabs.org/shortcoil.m][Quellcode herunterladen]] * Ergebnisse des Programms [[https://thomaslabs.org/media/betrag.png]] [[https://thomaslabs.org/media/richtung.png]] [[https://thomaslabs.org/media/spulenachse.png]] * Octave / Matlab Quellcode #+BEGIN_SRC octave clear all; close all; clc; %% length of the observed region in m len = 40e-3; %m len = len / 2; %we shall go from -len to +len %% number of points in x- and z-direction N_space = 50; %% number of points for integration along coil N_phi = 250; %% radius R = 5e-3; %m %% length L = 23e-3; %m %% number of windings N = 5; %% current I = 8; %A %% vacuumpermeability mu0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7; %Vs/Am %% define grid z = linspace(-len, len, N_space); %m x = linspace(-len, len, N_space); %m %% parameter of coil-wire-path-paramtrisation phi = linspace(0, N * 2 * pi, N_phi); dphi = phi(2) - phi(1); %% Precalculate cos and sin p_sin = sin(phi); p_cos = cos(phi); %% loop through all x-z-points for iz = 1 : N_space for ix = 1 : N_space %% r of this x-z-point r = [x(ix); 0; z(iz)]; B = [0; 0; 0]; %% Riemann sum along the coil for ip = 1 : N_phi %% Point along the coil l = [R * p_cos(ip); R * p_sin(ip); ip * L / N_phi - L / 2]; %% Vector tangent to the coil of length dl = R * dphi dl = [- R * p_sin(ip); R * p_cos(ip); L / 2 / N / pi]; dl = (R * dphi / norm(dl)) * dl; %% Vector from the coil to the x-z-point rp = r - l; %% Add dB B = B + (mu0 / 4 / pi) * I * (1 / norm(rp) ^ 3) * cross(dl, rp); end B_X(iz, ix) = B(1); B_Y(iz, ix) = B(2); B_Z(iz, ix) = B(3); end end figure('Name', 'Richtung der Flußdichte', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); quiver(x * 1e3, z * 1e3, B_X ./ sqrt(B_X .^ 2 + B_Z .^ 2), B_Z ./ sqrt(B_X .^ 2 + B_Z .^ 2)); title('Richtung der Flußdichte') xlabel('x [mm]') ylabel('z [mm]') axis image saveas(gca, 'richtung.png') betrag = sqrt(B_X .^ 2 + B_Y .^ 2 + B_Z .^ 2) figure('Name', 'Betrag der Flußdichte', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); imagesc(x * 1e3, z * 1e3, betrag); title('Betrag der Flußdichte'); xlabel('x [mm]') ylabel('z [mm]') colormap(gray); colorbar('title', 'B [T]'); saveas(gca, 'betrag.png') figure('Name', 'Flußdichte entlang Spulenachse', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); B_2 = B_Z(:, round((N_space - 1) / 2)); plot(x * 1e3, B_2); title('Flußdichte entlang Spulenachse'); xlabel('z [mm]'); ylabel('Flußdichte [T]'); saveas(gca, 'spulenachse.png') #+END_SRC