debugmode: true; linel: 150; load("ctensor"); dim: 4; cframe_flag: false; ct_coords: [u, r, theta, phi]; depends([U, V, _beta, _gamma], [u, r, theta]); lg : zeromatrix(4, 4); lg[1, 1] : V * r^-1 * exp(2 * _beta) - U^2 * r^2 * exp(2 * _gamma); lg[1, 2] : exp(2 * _beta); lg[2, 1] : exp(2 * _beta); lg[1, 3] : U * r^2 * exp(2 * _gamma); lg[3, 1] : U * r^2 * exp(2 * _gamma); lg[3, 3] : - r^2 * exp(2 * _gamma); lg[4, 4] : - r^2 * exp(- 2 * _gamma) * sin(theta)^2; /* Load metric and compute inverse */ cmetric(); /* For some reason some components must be simplified by hand ... */ ug[2,2] : expand(ug[2,2]),simp; /* Calculate Christoffel symbols mcs[i, j, k]: Christoffel symbols of the second kind (one upper index - k) */ christof(false); ricci(false);