(defpackage #:autotag (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:split-sequence #:just-getopt-parser) (:export #:main)) (in-package #:autotag) (cl-interpol:enable-interpol-syntax) (defparameter *quiet-p* nil "Should autotag be quiet?") (defparameter *order-p* nil "Apply tags in the same order as in release? (ignore name matching or keywords)") (defparameter *rename-p* t "Should files be renamed by default?") (defparameter *use-id-p* nil "") (defparameter *print-tags-p* nil "") (defvar *album-name* nil) (defvar *album-artist* nil) (defvar *npathnames* nil) (defvar *database* "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/") (defparameter *valid-cmd-line-args* '(;; (:artist "artist" :required) ;; (:album #\A :required) (:album "album" :required) ;; (:order #\o) (:order "order") ;; (:id #\i) (:id "id") ;; (:use-id #\u :required) (:use-id "use-id" :required) ;; (:print-tags #\p) (:print-tags "print-tags") ;; (:dont-rename #\n) (:dont-rename "dont-rename") ;; (:quiet #\q) (:quiet "quiet") ;; (:help #\h) (:help "help"))) (defun chomp (string) (if (and (string/= string "") (eql (last-elt string) #\Newline)) (subseq string 0 (1- (length string))) string)) (defun dmenu (options &key (printer #'princ-to-string) (lines 10) prompt text-output) (let ((text-options (mapcar printer options))) (multiple-value-bind (output error-output exit-status) (trivial-shell:shell-command (format nil "dmenu~@[ -l '~A'~]~@[ -p \"~A\"~]" lines (str:replace-using '("\"" "\\\"" "$" "\\$") prompt)) :input (format nil "~{~A~%~}" text-options)) (declare (ignore error-output exit-status)) (if text-output (chomp output) (let ((position (position (chomp output) text-options :test #'string=))) (and position (elt options position))))))) (defun info (control-string &rest format-arguments) (unless *quiet-p* (apply #'format t control-string format-arguments))) ;; Tags used by this autotagger, each track has one instance of this ;; struct (defstruct tag (title "") (album "") (artist "") (date "") (track "") (keywords nil)) (defparameter *ogg-tags* `((:title "TITLE" ,#'tag-title ,#'(setf tag-title)) (:artist "ARTIST" ,#'tag-artist ,#'(setf tag-artist)) (:album "ALBUM" ,#'tag-album ,#'(setf tag-album)) (:date "DATE" ,#'tag-date ,#'(setf tag-date)) (:track "TRACKNUMBER" ,#'tag-track ,#'(setf tag-track)))) ;; (defun read-ogg-tags (pathname) ;; (flet ((ogg-field-reader (line) ;; (unless (string= line "") ;; (let* ((fields (split-sequence #\= line)) ;; (name (car (rassoc (car fields) *ogg-tags* ;; :test #'string= :key #'first))) ;; (value (apply #'concatenate 'string (cdr fields)))) ;; (list name value))))) ;; (read-tags (format nil "vorbiscomment -l ~A" pathname) #'ogg-field-reader))) (defun print-tag (tag) (dolist (field *ogg-tags*) (format t "~A=~A" (elt field 1) (funcall (elt field 2) tag)))) (defun write-ogg-tags (pathname tag) (trivial-shell:shell-command (with-open-stream (stream (make-string-output-stream)) (format stream "vorbiscomment -w \"~A\"" pathname) (loop :for (tag-name ogg-name reader writer) :in *ogg-tags* :for value = (funcall reader tag) :do (format stream " -t \"~A=~A\"" ogg-name value)) (get-output-stream-string stream)))) (defun help () (format t #?|~&Usage: autotag [OPTION...] [DIRECTORY... \| FILE...] autotag - Uses metadata from musicbrainz.org to fill song files with the tags of a given album. Examples: Assume that the directory working on has the same name as autotag --artist= -A Options: --artist=ARTIST improve search results by providing an artist -A, --album=ALBUM name of the album the files belong to -i, --id get album id -u, --use-id=ID use ID as release id -p, --print-tags write tags to stdout instead of file -o, --order ignore file names and assume that files are in order (useful for ripped CDs) -q, --quiet do not output operations being done -h, --help show help options autotag Copyright (C) 2020 Thomas Albers Raviola This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. |) (uiop:quit))