* Autotag ** The Objective + Given a list of files, a album name and/or an artist name, find the most apropiate release and apply its tags to the files. ** The Problems + musicbrainz stores a lot of metadata for each release + the structure of the metadata is not clear + metadata is not always available ** Implementation + autotag searches for all releases with a given name and prompts the user to select one using dmenu. The id is kept. + the relevant release is looked up using the kept id. We do this in order to include extra metadata that is not included in a mb-search + The metadata relevant to the whole release is kept while the metadata for each track is retreived + The metadata is joined together. + Metadata is applied to the song files, the user is prompted each time a unambiguous selection cannot be made. ** FIXME + Check for musicbrainz errors ** Ideas + add tag stack to reuse tags, usefull for manual tagging + manually give autotag a release id, might be useful later + add -f 'artist,album,track, ...' to control tags, implement more tags + export tags to stdout instead of just writing them + write scripts